Tag Archives: content

Finding the Light

Ever felt like standing in the middle of a never ending tunnel? Or walking a never ending path that has no end or exit? Treading through the dark and hoping to find light coming from outside? Unsure of the fact that whether you will make it to the end or not? Unaware whether the direction you have chosen is right or wrong? Will it take you towards or away from your goal?

The question now is what to do in such situation? Keep trying or give up? Giving up definitely is the easiest option but is at the cost of your survival.  On the other hand if you choose to keep walking there is a clear 50% chance of succeeding, definitely combined with a 50% chance of not reaching the right end.

But look at the scenario from a different angle. If you succeed … Hurrah! ….. But in case you were not lucky enough to choose the right direction you will still get a chance to enjoy, learn and discover things along your way. Who knows that maybe something exciting is waiting along the corner for you to discover it? Maybe it’s a new way of getting out of the tunnel or a shortcut to the right end that you will come to discover along the journey? The bottom line is that you have to move. In whatever situation you are or at whatever point you are standing inside the tunnel you need to move ahead because movement is life.

At the end everyone wants to reach the goal but remember that as soon as you will reach it you will suddenly discover that what actually mattered was how you travelled the path to it. In the end your attitude, reaction or behaviour towards; the various phases of your journey, the ups and downs you encountered, the dangers you faced, the challenges and obstacles you conquered, the emotions you felt and the people you came across, will in actual determine your success. Not the achievement of goal alone.

Start working on your path today so that is worth it in the end. Get out of your comfort zone and start making things happen. Stand up for things that really matter to you and start loving and giving a little more. Keep focus on your goal but do not miss the bigger picture around you and keep working on your path as the path is your life of today.

At whatever point in life you feel trapped inside the tunnel, remember to just keep moving on and cherishing  each and every moment along the way.

You will definitely find the light ……

The Virtual World of Social Currency

Imagine a child running to his mom after a busy day at school. He is all excited to utter out everything he did at school and what amazing things he learnt and experienced. All he wants at that time is a warm hug, a wide smile and an ear that is ready to listen to his little adventures. He is running towards his mom and desperately waiting for the eye contact with her that will acknowledge his love. Suddenly he hits an emotionless object, his mom. He grabs her leg with his little hands and to his surprise she acknowledges this contact by saying “hey just wait a second, let me send this text”. The kid suddenly loses all the excitement and brightness in his eyes and has nothing more to say. In actual he is waiting for the time when he will get the entire gadgets mommy and daddy have and he will be able to share what he feels with the world.


The world of today, where written words speak louder than actions, where our minds and thoughts are connected but physical actions to prove what we feel are missing. We are engaged 24/7 but our productivity at work and relationships is reduced. A world where social media communication is helping us to make more friends, but is drifting our children away from us. We are strongly connected with no true feelings from the heart but through the showcasing of our thought out written emotions.

This is the world where everybody runs a show through social currency. Everybody is a celebrity who knows how to sound good, look good, put a good impression but not be good in actual. A world where you either showcase your relationships to be perfect or you perfectly showcase your relationships, in both cases you lose because the bond is weak due to no physical contacts.

A world where your wife tells you that she loves you in front of the world but there is no intimate time in the bedroom to utter those words directly. iPads or iPhones are the last things they kiss goodnight to and the first things they wake up to in the morning.  A place, where instead of spending quality time with your kids, the love is shown using a simple selfie with your kids face touching yours. A world, where you are aware of the fact that your friend just got his living room made over but are unable to enjoy or appreciate the new décor of your own bedroom. A place where you say ‘wow’ to the tempting pictures of food shared by people but never get the time to notice, enjoy or appreciate what your wife cooked because you are busy looking at what others had for dinner.

Has this virtual world taken away love and true feelings from us? The moment of pure love when a mother took her newborn for the first time in her arms is now replaced by her hurried movement to capture the first glimpse of the baby on camera. That moment of pride when your child stood up from a crawling position to a standing one was left un-enjoyed because you were busy looking for your cell phone to capture it.  Where is this all taking us? We need to stop and think.

Replace touch screen with the real touch. You don’t need to sound or look good in front of the world but in fact feel good in Real. Stop focusing on social currency, Live Every Moment, Own It and Enjoy It.



[Social Currency: Creating your positive image in front of the world or sharing content which you think will add value to your status or image. Virtual: having the essence or effect but not the appearance or form]


The Masterpiece You Are

Ever wondered about the time when you were new to this world? With tiny hands and feet, you were helpless and the two things you knew at the time were sleeping or crying. You already knew how to take milk and get comfortable as soon as your mother held you in her arms. Even at that time, you had a unique fingerprint, an identity that did not match anyone else in the whole world. You had a unique genetic code that determined the distinguished combination of characters you possessed. Yes, you were a masterpiece of God. A masterpiece on your own!

ice berg

The series of miracles did not end here. Throughout the time when you were growing, you were amazing. How fluently you uttered your first word? How intelligently your brain mapped the path you used to guide your food from the plate into your mouth, never deviating even once? You surprised everyone when one day you stood up suddenly from the crawling position and started to walk. With every growing stage in your life, you proved that you could do wonders. Intelligence, imagination, creativity, potential, memory, curiosity, questioning, experiencing, feeling and creating are all the miracles you had, the miracles that were left unseen. Yes, human is a Masterpiece of God and you, my friend, are a Masterpiece.

If you are broken, tired, cheated, mistreated, wrinkled, depressed, not understood by the world or have any other feelings that are weighing you down, then you have definitely forgotten the fact that ‘you were once a masterpiece and you still are’. You are unique. You were born with a mind that has its unique way of thinking. You developed your own understanding of the environment around you according to your circumstances. You have no limitations of mind and there are no boundaries to your imagination. No one can calculate or limit your intelligence and control your imagination/creativity. You have a unique set of feelings, emotions and way of dealing with the world that no one else can ever achieve or copy. Yes my friend, you are unique. You are a Masterpiece.

Grab the steering wheel of our life today; extend to your full potential and discover your purpose and identity. Remember not to copy anyone; instead become the best version of yourself. Believe in miracles because you were once a miracle and you still are one. Stand up today and repeat in your heart: I am a Masterpiece, I am unique, I am who I am, I am happy with what I am and I am a Masterpiece.


[Note: This post is especially dedicated to my friends who have forgotten who they are. love you all :)]