Tag Archives: goal

The Journey that Counts

Is life the path to the destination or the destination itself? To understand this lets imagine a mountaineer who starts at the base of the mountain, spends his days and nights climbing and facing the harsh weather and difficulties that come along his way, to reach to the top. After tiresome walking against the wind and facing all the hardships he finally reaches the top – his destination. Wow! What a view! He is finally happy as it is worth all the troubles he faced along the way. The sad fact is that no matter how good the view is at the top, he can only stay there for a while and ultimately has to return back to the base.

mountain-climbing-pictures-120-250x150Let’s analyze this adventure in the context of life. The start and the end of mountain describe the start and end of life. You are born and you start climbing the mountain. This is the mountain of age which has your goals and achievements at its top. Depending on your pace and effort you reach to the top at a certain age. Definitely the view is beautiful at the top. This all is usually the time of your youth when you are full of energy and you want the world to see you at the top and admire you. But you have to keep in mind that the time you spend at the top of this mountain is temporary and very soon you will have to start moving down to the bottom.

Imagine for a while that this is your mountain of life and you are the person climbing it. What would you think on your way back to the bottom? Was the journey to the top and stay their worth all the efforts you made? What did you gain and what did you lose? Although the feelings at the top were priceless, but what matters the most is that did you enjoy your way up and back which took most of your journey’s time? Were you so focused on your goal while climbing up that you forgot to enjoy the path? Were you accompanied by loved ones who made every moment of your way enjoyable?  Did you have companions who witnessed your success or were you alone in those moments? You might have shared this achievement through status updates or photos with your social friends and might have achieved several Likes and Comments, but at the end of the day:  Can these people take the place of real people and real emotions? While climbing down were you accompanied by people who cherished those moments with you?

The coming down from the hill is the part of life that comes after your youth, when the clock of age starts ticking fast and the rapid wind up of your life starts. This is the time when you know the importance of many things in life. It’s only when you reach the end that you wish you had more loved ones along the journey, you should have cherished the moment more and you should have held the hands of your loved one tighter when there was a storm. Most important: what did you do for your companions? Were you there for them when they needed you?

If at the end of the mountain you have your companions with you, good memories of the journey, purpose of life achieved and a life lived as an adventure; then you have definitely lived a life to its full.

Sometimes in life we don’t even reach the top of the mountain, even then if we have memories of the path we traveled and loved ones we travelled with, we can still feel contented. Always remember that reaching the top is not everything that counts, in fact it’s the journey that counts.  Life is not just about success stories and achievements, in fact it is the journey in which your goal is a stopover and it t’ries and acchievements , ins the infact its the he journey tal,l media. ies of the journey, purpose of life achieved and lifeis the journey you travel that actually counts.

Hello! Join me in a journey where we will discover our real potentials. Let’s explore that ‘one’ gift that makes you unique from the rest of the world. Let’s find out how you can become better versions of yourselves and learn how to make the best out of any situation and turn the tables in your favor.

Let’s discuss practical ways to implement and attain success in business, workplace, and relationships. Let’s create a personal brand and see how much of an edge the branding of a business can give us in today’s competitive and saturated market.

For people who had been following me on softskillet.wordpress.com, I want to thank you all for joining me here. This is my personal website and blog where I will be posting regularly from now on.

Thanks for all the love and appreciation.
