Tag Archives: inner self

The Masterpiece You Are

Ever wondered about the time when you were new to this world? With tiny hands and feet, you were helpless and the two things you knew at the time were sleeping or crying. You already knew how to take milk and get comfortable as soon as your mother held you in her arms. Even at that time, you had a unique fingerprint, an identity that did not match anyone else in the whole world. You had a unique genetic code that determined the distinguished combination of characters you possessed. Yes, you were a masterpiece of God. A masterpiece on your own!

ice berg

The series of miracles did not end here. Throughout the time when you were growing, you were amazing. How fluently you uttered your first word? How intelligently your brain mapped the path you used to guide your food from the plate into your mouth, never deviating even once? You surprised everyone when one day you stood up suddenly from the crawling position and started to walk. With every growing stage in your life, you proved that you could do wonders. Intelligence, imagination, creativity, potential, memory, curiosity, questioning, experiencing, feeling and creating are all the miracles you had, the miracles that were left unseen. Yes, human is a Masterpiece of God and you, my friend, are a Masterpiece.

If you are broken, tired, cheated, mistreated, wrinkled, depressed, not understood by the world or have any other feelings that are weighing you down, then you have definitely forgotten the fact that ‘you were once a masterpiece and you still are’. You are unique. You were born with a mind that has its unique way of thinking. You developed your own understanding of the environment around you according to your circumstances. You have no limitations of mind and there are no boundaries to your imagination. No one can calculate or limit your intelligence and control your imagination/creativity. You have a unique set of feelings, emotions and way of dealing with the world that no one else can ever achieve or copy. Yes my friend, you are unique. You are a Masterpiece.

Grab the steering wheel of our life today; extend to your full potential and discover your purpose and identity. Remember not to copy anyone; instead become the best version of yourself. Believe in miracles because you were once a miracle and you still are one. Stand up today and repeat in your heart: I am a Masterpiece, I am unique, I am who I am, I am happy with what I am and I am a Masterpiece.


[Note: This post is especially dedicated to my friends who have forgotten who they are. love you all :)]