Tag Archives: motivate

The Return to Innocence

Sometimes I think we, the humans, are amazing creatures. How we have transformed from the wild ‘cave man’ of yester years to the man of today; cultured, civilized and sophisticated, is amazing.

The man from the caves now lives in houses that are built according to the highest standards of quality construction, elegance and sophistication. The man who used to eat raw food on the go with his bare hands would have never imagined at that time that in the later years he would be served with the most processed and aesthetically pleasing food on his plate. Accompanied by the most brilliant cutlery and assortments to satisfy his pallet. He had no connections with the people living in other parts of the world and was just limited to his own family and tribe. In fact no device to keep him entertained and connected. I wonder how he used spent the whole day without them. Poor lonely soul spent his day without any text or voice chat and had no social media site to share his ideas on. How boring life must have been.


Thank God I am in the world of today; Cultured, Civilized, Satisfied, Healthy, Entertained, Connected, Protected and Social human being. I am so happy to have what I have. Am I happy?

Am I really cultured and civilized? Yes, I think I am. Today I know how to carry myself perfectly in the best manners of elegance and sophistication unlike the wild man I once was. But yes, I am ignorant or maybe not interested in learning about others or their needs or my role in the society. Yes, I am cultured. I do wear the most expensive linens and silks to cover my body unlike dressing myself in leaves. But yes, I do not care if other humans can even afford to barely cover themselves. Yes, I am civilized and I know how to talk in the most sophisticated manners and languages of the world. But yes, I am totally unaware of the basic language of love that in actual connects all humans who can speak or not.

Am I satisfied with the abundance and variety of food on my table? Yes, I can have the world’s most exotic dishes ever discovered by man; unlike the raw food my ancestors used to eat. In fact I have the world’s most refined tasting food to satisfy my pallet. But yes, the food I am having is so highly processed that it has no nutrition value and I understand that it is making me sick day by day.

Am I entertained? Yes, that’s the best part for being present in today. Media keeps me engaged and I can enjoy 24/7. But yes, today at the cost of entertainment, watching a million dollar block buster movie in cinema or TV, all I have to give away is just one and a half hour of my time which I earlier utilized to enjoy the small things in life that mattered the most. Am I connected? Yes, I love the way I am connected through technology to my old friends and family. After all humans are social animals and their basic need is to connect and share. But yes, in spite of being connected, I feel lonely and as if something is missing in my life. I guess it’s because I am not present in my present. I am physically sitting right in between my family but I am not connected with them. In fact I am connected to people who live in the other part of the world.

I feel protected. Do I? Yes, in addition to all the advancements man made, he has significantly grown when it comes to his protection.  Today man has the most sophisticated weapons to get rid of any life form he feels threatened from. But yes, I am not protected because man is using these weapons against his own kind.

Who are we and where are we going? None of the advancements I have mentioned above have proven that we are better as humans then the cave man was. In fact I think today we are more ignorant and savage then the earlier cave man. In fact I think we are the savages, not them.


Still asking why? Well because:  We hunt humans, we knowingly eat the food that makes us sick, we do not value family, we do not express others or understand emotions, we are ignorant to the needs of others, we do not speak the language everybody can understand, and we do not believe in equality and respect others on the basis of how powerful they are. We are savages….

Today we need to learn who we were. Listen to our heart and instincts of nature and return to our basics – Return to innocence.


The Virtual World of Social Currency

Imagine a child running to his mom after a busy day at school. He is all excited to utter out everything he did at school and what amazing things he learnt and experienced. All he wants at that time is a warm hug, a wide smile and an ear that is ready to listen to his little adventures. He is running towards his mom and desperately waiting for the eye contact with her that will acknowledge his love. Suddenly he hits an emotionless object, his mom. He grabs her leg with his little hands and to his surprise she acknowledges this contact by saying “hey just wait a second, let me send this text”. The kid suddenly loses all the excitement and brightness in his eyes and has nothing more to say. In actual he is waiting for the time when he will get the entire gadgets mommy and daddy have and he will be able to share what he feels with the world.


The world of today, where written words speak louder than actions, where our minds and thoughts are connected but physical actions to prove what we feel are missing. We are engaged 24/7 but our productivity at work and relationships is reduced. A world where social media communication is helping us to make more friends, but is drifting our children away from us. We are strongly connected with no true feelings from the heart but through the showcasing of our thought out written emotions.

This is the world where everybody runs a show through social currency. Everybody is a celebrity who knows how to sound good, look good, put a good impression but not be good in actual. A world where you either showcase your relationships to be perfect or you perfectly showcase your relationships, in both cases you lose because the bond is weak due to no physical contacts.

A world where your wife tells you that she loves you in front of the world but there is no intimate time in the bedroom to utter those words directly. iPads or iPhones are the last things they kiss goodnight to and the first things they wake up to in the morning.  A place, where instead of spending quality time with your kids, the love is shown using a simple selfie with your kids face touching yours. A world, where you are aware of the fact that your friend just got his living room made over but are unable to enjoy or appreciate the new décor of your own bedroom. A place where you say ‘wow’ to the tempting pictures of food shared by people but never get the time to notice, enjoy or appreciate what your wife cooked because you are busy looking at what others had for dinner.

Has this virtual world taken away love and true feelings from us? The moment of pure love when a mother took her newborn for the first time in her arms is now replaced by her hurried movement to capture the first glimpse of the baby on camera. That moment of pride when your child stood up from a crawling position to a standing one was left un-enjoyed because you were busy looking for your cell phone to capture it.  Where is this all taking us? We need to stop and think.

Replace touch screen with the real touch. You don’t need to sound or look good in front of the world but in fact feel good in Real. Stop focusing on social currency, Live Every Moment, Own It and Enjoy It.



[Social Currency: Creating your positive image in front of the world or sharing content which you think will add value to your status or image. Virtual: having the essence or effect but not the appearance or form]
