Tag Archives: motivational

Finding the Light

Ever felt like standing in the middle of a never ending tunnel? Or walking a never ending path that has no end or exit? Treading through the dark and hoping to find light coming from outside? Unsure of the fact that whether you will make it to the end or not? Unaware whether the direction you have chosen is right or wrong? Will it take you towards or away from your goal?

The question now is what to do in such situation? Keep trying or give up? Giving up definitely is the easiest option but is at the cost of your survival.  On the other hand if you choose to keep walking there is a clear 50% chance of succeeding, definitely combined with a 50% chance of not reaching the right end.

But look at the scenario from a different angle. If you succeed … Hurrah! ….. But in case you were not lucky enough to choose the right direction you will still get a chance to enjoy, learn and discover things along your way. Who knows that maybe something exciting is waiting along the corner for you to discover it? Maybe it’s a new way of getting out of the tunnel or a shortcut to the right end that you will come to discover along the journey? The bottom line is that you have to move. In whatever situation you are or at whatever point you are standing inside the tunnel you need to move ahead because movement is life.

At the end everyone wants to reach the goal but remember that as soon as you will reach it you will suddenly discover that what actually mattered was how you travelled the path to it. In the end your attitude, reaction or behaviour towards; the various phases of your journey, the ups and downs you encountered, the dangers you faced, the challenges and obstacles you conquered, the emotions you felt and the people you came across, will in actual determine your success. Not the achievement of goal alone.

Start working on your path today so that is worth it in the end. Get out of your comfort zone and start making things happen. Stand up for things that really matter to you and start loving and giving a little more. Keep focus on your goal but do not miss the bigger picture around you and keep working on your path as the path is your life of today.

At whatever point in life you feel trapped inside the tunnel, remember to just keep moving on and cherishing  each and every moment along the way.

You will definitely find the light ……

The Journey that Counts

Is life the path to the destination or the destination itself? To understand this lets imagine a mountaineer who starts at the base of the mountain, spends his days and nights climbing and facing the harsh weather and difficulties that come along his way, to reach to the top. After tiresome walking against the wind and facing all the hardships he finally reaches the top – his destination. Wow! What a view! He is finally happy as it is worth all the troubles he faced along the way. The sad fact is that no matter how good the view is at the top, he can only stay there for a while and ultimately has to return back to the base.

mountain-climbing-pictures-120-250x150Let’s analyze this adventure in the context of life. The start and the end of mountain describe the start and end of life. You are born and you start climbing the mountain. This is the mountain of age which has your goals and achievements at its top. Depending on your pace and effort you reach to the top at a certain age. Definitely the view is beautiful at the top. This all is usually the time of your youth when you are full of energy and you want the world to see you at the top and admire you. But you have to keep in mind that the time you spend at the top of this mountain is temporary and very soon you will have to start moving down to the bottom.

Imagine for a while that this is your mountain of life and you are the person climbing it. What would you think on your way back to the bottom? Was the journey to the top and stay their worth all the efforts you made? What did you gain and what did you lose? Although the feelings at the top were priceless, but what matters the most is that did you enjoy your way up and back which took most of your journey’s time? Were you so focused on your goal while climbing up that you forgot to enjoy the path? Were you accompanied by loved ones who made every moment of your way enjoyable?  Did you have companions who witnessed your success or were you alone in those moments? You might have shared this achievement through status updates or photos with your social friends and might have achieved several Likes and Comments, but at the end of the day:  Can these people take the place of real people and real emotions? While climbing down were you accompanied by people who cherished those moments with you?

The coming down from the hill is the part of life that comes after your youth, when the clock of age starts ticking fast and the rapid wind up of your life starts. This is the time when you know the importance of many things in life. It’s only when you reach the end that you wish you had more loved ones along the journey, you should have cherished the moment more and you should have held the hands of your loved one tighter when there was a storm. Most important: what did you do for your companions? Were you there for them when they needed you?

If at the end of the mountain you have your companions with you, good memories of the journey, purpose of life achieved and a life lived as an adventure; then you have definitely lived a life to its full.

Sometimes in life we don’t even reach the top of the mountain, even then if we have memories of the path we traveled and loved ones we travelled with, we can still feel contented. Always remember that reaching the top is not everything that counts, in fact it’s the journey that counts.  Life is not just about success stories and achievements, in fact it is the journey in which your goal is a stopover and it t’ries and acchievements , ins the infact its the he journey tal,l media. ies of the journey, purpose of life achieved and lifeis the journey you travel that actually counts.

Dancing in the Rain

Is life cruel? Is life rough? Is life difficult? Is life tough? Well I am not sure about all these but one reality of life I am certain about is “You WILL NOT get out of it ALIVE”. Whether you think of life as a suffering or you live and value every moment of it, it will ultimately end.

As I sat near my window early morning and watched the rain drops trickling down, a lot of memories from the past years visited me. I think now I can very well relate life to something. I think life is ‘music’. Music that goes up and down according to its notes and that is what keeps us alive and going. It’s the music which sounds like Hard Rock to some, sweet and melodious to others and then there are a few who cannot even hear it. This music amazes me and sometimes compels me to wonder why the same music beats differently in every ear?13547_654961367866571_1161559953_n

While some think of life as a battle and give up, others dance to the tunes of its music. They are the ones who achieve the purpose of life. While dancing, it’s not that they never miss a tune; it’s just that they choose to become achievers. They never give up on their purpose and achieve it no matter how tough life becomes. They are the ones seldom thought to be insane by those who cannot hear the music. They are the people who choose not to be trapped by Dogma. They have a voice of their own and refuse to be slaves of what other people think. These are the ones who don’t fear death but fear the life that will be un-lived. They appreciate what they already have and stay focused on what they want to achieve. They don’t count life by the mere number of breaths they had taken but in fact by the moments that had taken their breaths away. These are the people who face every challenge in life with determination, conquer their fears and learn from the experiences they face. While working towards a better future they also focus and invest in their present to make current moments into memorable memories. They are the ones who dance and enjoy in the rain and are not afraid of the storm.

If you are going through any storm in your life, do not let it keep you away from dancing. Learn to face the storms and learn to learn from them. Appreciate what you already have and keep moving towards your purpose/your goal in life. If the wind you are facing is strong, don’t think of it as a hurdle. As a great poet Allama Iqbal says in Urdu and I translate it in English:

“Don’t fear the intensity of opposing-wind, O’ Eagle,
It only blows to help you fly even higher”

Take small steps and remember that every positive step you take will lead you closer to your goal. But if life puts you one step back don’t lose hope. This is the point when life wants you to dance cha-cha in which a step backwards and a step forward after it, will in the end, result into a beautiful dance. Keep your mind positive and don’t let a backwards step, or a bad day or a bad gesture from someone destroy your dance. Always remember that it’s the difficult path that makes skillful drivers and leads to beautiful destinations.

Enjoy every moment of life and dance to the tunes of it. Change what needs to be changed and take the steps that need to be taken today. Move! Make a difference. Achieve what is impossible and face the challenges that life throws at you and never stop dancing. Life surely isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass; in fact it’s about learning to dance in the rain.