Finding the Light

Ever felt like standing in the middle of a never ending tunnel? Or walking a never ending path that has no end or exit? Treading through the dark and hoping to find light coming from outside? Unsure of the fact that whether you will make it to the end or not? Unaware whether the direction you have chosen is right or wrong? Will it take you towards or away from your goal?

The question now is what to do in such situation? Keep trying or give up? Giving up definitely is the easiest option but is at the cost of your survival.  On the other hand if you choose to keep walking there is a clear 50% chance of succeeding, definitely combined with a 50% chance of not reaching the right end.

But look at the scenario from a different angle. If you succeed … Hurrah! ….. But in case you were not lucky enough to choose the right direction you will still get a chance to enjoy, learn and discover things along your way. Who knows that maybe something exciting is waiting along the corner for you to discover it? Maybe it’s a new way of getting out of the tunnel or a shortcut to the right end that you will come to discover along the journey? The bottom line is that you have to move. In whatever situation you are or at whatever point you are standing inside the tunnel you need to move ahead because movement is life.

At the end everyone wants to reach the goal but remember that as soon as you will reach it you will suddenly discover that what actually mattered was how you travelled the path to it. In the end your attitude, reaction or behaviour towards; the various phases of your journey, the ups and downs you encountered, the dangers you faced, the challenges and obstacles you conquered, the emotions you felt and the people you came across, will in actual determine your success. Not the achievement of goal alone.

Start working on your path today so that is worth it in the end. Get out of your comfort zone and start making things happen. Stand up for things that really matter to you and start loving and giving a little more. Keep focus on your goal but do not miss the bigger picture around you and keep working on your path as the path is your life of today.

At whatever point in life you feel trapped inside the tunnel, remember to just keep moving on and cherishing  each and every moment along the way.

You will definitely find the light ……

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